
I hope you find my website informative and functional. My main purpose in making a website was to share my projects with the world! I'm learning HTML and CSS so that's probably why my website looks a bit like one from the 2000's. Thank you!
Technical Books
- Analog Circuit Cookbook
- Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering
- Electric Circuits
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications 5th Ed.
- Linear Algebra Notebook
- Digital Systems Design Using VHDL 2nd Edition
- Designing Analog Chips - Hans Camenzind
- Linear Algebra
- Estimating Pi Using Random Numbers
- Understanding Decibels
- Basys 3 Reference Manual
- ASCII Character Chart with Dec, Bin and Hex Conversions
- Keysight / Agilent 8164A Lightwave Mainframe with 81682A Tunable Laser Source
- 8164A Programming Guide
- GPIB Tutorial
- ADC-4U12 Analog to Digital Converter (12 bit)
- Numerical Recipes in C
- Digikey Online Calculators
Transistor Amplifiers
- Common Emitter Amplifier
- Common Collector Amplifier
- Common Base Amplifier
Digital Sytems
Test Page